Our BIG boy, Savou, turned 3 months 2day. :D It's AMAZING 2 me how much time flies & in the blink of an eye, our kids will be adults & saying their goodbyes 2 us as they pursue their individual lives. :D
Savou Ephraim Tu'akoi has brought nothing, but JOY & HAPPINESS into our lives since the day he was born. I am in AWE of how our Father in Heaven works & how meticulous & mind boggling it is when thinking about every little detail He puts into every aspect of life. Especially the creation of these PRECIOUS little spirits. :D The human body itself is something 2 think about. In it's entirety, it is STAGGERING that scientists & doctors are still exploring the way the human body works & the different parts/cures that are still being researched on a daily basis. WOW!! :D
Some of the things Savou is able 2 do now that he's reached his 3 month milestone are these:
-Sit up
-Tries 2 hold his bottle on his own
-Not only recognizes objects, but has more control over range of motion so that he can reach 4 things he's looking at
-As he's talking, I swear he seems like he's actually trying 2 pronounce words
-Has sensors on me & knows when I'm leaving somewhere Lol
-Sleeps through the night, even if he wakes up @ 5 am every morning :D
-Recognizes his brother & sisters & smiles every time he sees them
-Only cries when he's hungry, needs a diaper change & sometimes when he's tired
-The only child of ours that can make his dad feel so sorry 4 him by the way he's crying that Hoko's literally running 2 make his bottle & then warming it up & running back 2 the room 2 hurry & get it 2 him. Lol. It's cute, but @ the same time HILLARIOUS!!
-2nd to our oldest, Aaliyah. . . . .he's next up in being the MOST ALERT!! :D
-Has never ever pee'd/pooped while I'm changing him. Our 1st son, baby Hoko, was NOTORIOUS 4 doing this. Lol
-Has that SURPRISED expression on his face every single day that he gets a bath Lol It's the funniest thing cause I always think he's past that stage, but as soon as his body touches the water, he acts as if he can't breathe. Sounds harsh, but believe me. . . .he's ok. It only lasts 4 the first 10 seconds he's in there. :D
I think that pretty much sums it up. :D I'm sure I'm missing a couple of things, but he's only 3 months. Lol. We love love love our baby Savou & are so EXCITED 2 watch him grow. It's REMARKABLE 2 be the parents of 6 children total & 2 see how different each one is 4rom the other. Definitely proof of the work of the Lord in action on a daily basis. :D Can't wait 2 see him grow. :D
What a handsome little boy! Glad he is healthy and happy...but I'm not surprized becaue he is very well taken care of by his momma! You go girl...have 10 more kids, you're amazing! :D
Hah!! Thanx Marie!! :D As 4 ten more kids?? I don't know about that. Lol. But then we didn't anticipate we'd even have 6. :D But I definitely have found that the more the merrier!! :D I know you can feel me on that one. :D
Dang, I can't believe he's 3 months old already...time sure flies doesn't it? He's so handsome!
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