But I'm happy 2 report that I finally BROKE the ongoing BORE of being a home body & told the kids 2 put on their swimming gear so we can head out the door & spend the day @ the pool here @ our local rec. :D They were so EXCITED!! :D And so was I. I think my morning run 2 the store @ 6 am definitely helped get me going 2day. The weather was PERFECT & being up & out & breathing some FRESH air definitely helped set the mood 4 the rest of the day. We spent a couple of hours @ the pool & then stopped by Mickey D's on our way home cause we were all STARVING. Lol. Not the healthiest choice, but it was still YUMMY!! Lol.
Here's some pics of the kids splashing around in the pool!! We had a BLAST!! :D We'll definitely be going more often now. And not just 2 the pool, but we'll have 2 make our way 2 the park as well. Oh how I've missed being outdoors. :D
How fun! Wish there was a pool close to us! ha ha Nick said, we could probably just take the kids swimming in the near by creek, where they work. So I think we'll do that! :) So glad you guys were able to get out of the house today! :)
Yay!! I know, right?? Now we just need 2 plan 2 head over 2 Cowabunga Bay already & check it out. Lol. :D
Uh, that's your REC center?! Looks more like a swimming pool theme park! You should see our rec center pool. It's a big fat BLAH. No slides, no nothing. I guess maybe then you shouldn't see it since there's nothing to see, lol.
Hahaha!! Too funny Line!! How bout you bring Spencer out here 2 swim @ our rec center then?? Lol.
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