
Monday, February 10, 2014

Sabbath Day Success

It's not every sabbath day that I feel like its been a success so this one definitely deserved a post. Lol. 

Jordan woke me up this morning at 7:30. I got up and we had a bunch of leftover waffles from dinner last night (waffles and ice cream) so I already planned for the kids and I to have them for breakfast this morning while I prepped my 'make ahead' freezer pancakes for the week. 

We stayed in last night and after indulging in our waffles and ice cream, we gathered in the living room for movie night. I pulled up StreamPix an we ordered a movie. The girls won over the boys and picked the One Direction movie. We chilled while they drooled and mauled over those UK cuties. Lol. It was a great night and as soon as the movie was over, it was bed time. 

Well, our church time has changed to an 11 am start time and I'm so glad!! That's so the perfect time for us!! I was able to get the kids up for breakfast this morning, cleaned them up, fed them breakfast and got started with my make ahead pancakes freezer breakfast meal for this coming up week!! And I also finished the whole two batches since I'm always doubling up since I have seven kids. I was so happy and feeling so accomplished already. Lol. 

I ran Aaliyah to the church an hour before church started for her BYC meeting. She also gave a talk in sacrament today. She spoke about God's love. She did such a great job. This girl never ceases to amaze me. She is so mature for her age and has such great stage presence. She spoke for a good 4-5 min and didn't seem nervous at all. Wow!! She definitely doesn't get that from us. She is totally her own person and I love watching her evolve into such a beautiful young woman. 

I also saw this blogger post freezer pb&j's. OMG!! I jumped on that quick and made them while the pancakes were cooking. Yay!! Lunch for the boys for the week as well. 

When we got home from church, I recruited Aaliyah and Lote into the kitchen with me to help things go a lot faster. I decided on breakfast burritos for lunch so while I was whisking the eggs and milk, I had Aaliyah cooking the breakfast pork sausage. I doubled the batch, once again, and had enough after we ate to freeze for make ahead meals this week. At this point, I'm feeling pretty untouchable!! Lol. No really, tho. Cause this is giving me such peace of mind for my week to go smoothly. 

I got started on dinner meals for the week, but realized that most of my food items were still frozen so I couldn't finish those preps just yet. But I'm not sweatin' it cause I feel so much relief that my breakfasts and lunches are all made for the WHOLE week long and it didn't take that much time at all. I love it!! 

Since my meal prep came to a temporary halt, I decided to make sweets for the kids and I. I was looking thru my phone at recipes and came across Cake Boss' chocolate chip cookies. I looked over the ingredients list to make sure we had everything, which we did, so I got started. I doubled the recipe which made six dozen big cookies. Lol. I don't know why I don't ever believe the servings amount or number of cookies listed at the end of the recipe so I'm always doubling and tripling everything. We had a ton of cookies left over so we bagged them up, put our warm clothes on and headed out the door to deliver cookies to different ward members since we have so many within walking distance. 

First stop, Laura's house. This sweet lady lives down the street from us and I visit teach her so every chance I get to drop off some goodies to her, I don't pass it up. 

We then stopped at Anica's (another ward member and friend) and then at our neighbor's (who aren't members, missionary work??) who so kindly brought us a box of Greek yogurt earlier today. When we got home, the kids grabbed a snack and got ready for bed. My sweet kids. I love them so much for always being so willing to share and serve others. We had a great time walking our neighborhood tonight and they didn't hold back in expressing how they feel and what they need from me. Lol. I'm so grateful that they know that they can come to me for anything. And that they like to remind me when I'm spending too much time with Aaliyah and neglecting the rest of them. Which is why they say they miss their dad. Hahahaha!! I better prioritize my time better and be more conscious of my other ones. They reminded me tonight that I don't only have one child. I have seven. Lol. 

They're all in bed now and I'm winding down as well. Tomorrow is a busy morning taking these two monkeys of mine to Discovery Time at the library. We go every Monday and spend the whole morning there. When we get home, they eat lunch and take a nap. I better get some shut eye so I can hit the gym early for legs and then T25 at home before the kids get up. 

I'm so grateful for my kids and the unconditional love they have for me despite my countless imperfections. This sabbath day definitely feels like a success and I'm so looking forward to continuing my journey to the eternities. 


Mua said...

I love it Super Momma!! You never cease to amaze me with everything you do. Love you and hope you have an awesome week!

pwincessdi said...

What a great post. I think that's pretty amazing. Organization is key. You're doing a great job mama!