Christmas day started in our home @ 6 am w/baby Savou being the 1st one up. :D We had some last min gifts 2 wrap 4 the kids 4rom Jr & Emilee so we were already up anyway. Polu Marie made her way up the stairs @ about 7:45 & then she woke everyone else up 2 come up. So we had it all planned that we weren't going 2 buy our kids any gifts this year in hopes of getting into the TRUE meaning & spirit of Christmas, but Hoko couldn't hang. Tuesday came along & he walked into the house bearing gifts 4 all the kids. Especially 4 baby Hoko. Or it might've just seemed that way cause he was so slow 2 open up his gifts being that he's only 2 yrs old so he wanted 2 play w/everything he got before moving onto the next. By the time he hit his 3rd gift, he was done opening gifts. Lol. He was wayyyy too EXCITED 4 the ones he already had. :D
Before the gift giving started, I printed out the story of the Savior's birth & the 3 wisemen & we read it 2 the kids before all the CHAOS began. Lol. The story comes 4rom the New Testament book of Luke Ch 2. :D We asked the kids a couple of questions, then offered a prayer of thanks 4 all that we've been blessed with as well as 4 being able 2 celebrate the birth of our dear Lord & Savior, Jesus Christ. :D As soon as all the HOOPLA was over, we got dressed 4 the day & headed 2 Salt Lake 2 see my sister & her family. :D We chatted it up as the kids played & played & played. . . . .Soon enough, it was time 4 us 2 head back home & start cooking. We had planned 2 go TUBING after we ate, but the kids wanted 2 stay in & play w/all their stuff they had just received so we did just that. :D My nieces & nephews came over later & we baked brownies & ate til we couldn't eat no more. Lol. :D
Day after Christmas came & Hoko & I headed 2 the gym 4 an early morning workout!! :D It felt so GREAT & we'd never seen the gym so packed!! Lol. I guess we weren't the only ones there running off the holiday goodies. :D When we returned home, we showered, got the kids dressed & headed 2 our neighborhood park 4 some TUBING fun!! :D And it was a TON of FUN!! :D But I think being out there all day did it 4 my kids. Most of them @ least. That night was when the fevers started & the throwing up followed by the body aches & all. :( Saturday night was the worst, but they're still recovering as of now. We kept them home 4rom church so as 2 not get any of the other kids sick. I don't even remember the last time we missed church. With all the kids being sick except 4 Aaliyah, I'm glad that we did. They seem 2 be recovering well. Savou's been the worst of the bunch. But I'm so GRATEFUL 4 his SWEET spirit cause he's still such a HAPPY baby. Even though he's up all night long fevering & coughing, he's still so SMILEY FACED!! :D He teaches me so much. . . .as do all my children. So selfless & finding joy in the most SIMPLEST of things. :D I guess that's why children are of the kingdom of God. They are so pure & so loving. :D 4giving in a blink of an eye w/out being asked 2. Loving unconditionally regardless of our weaknesses/faults. Always filled w/endless curiosities so innocently pure. And that is the very reason why Hoko & I love being parents 2 these AMAZING children of ours. It's so EXCITING 2 see them grow up & we're so GRATEFUL 4 the opportunity we've been given 2 be their parents. :D We ended our week w/a GREAT temple night. :D Came home & my sister was waiting 4 me so we can go watch 'Sherlock Holmes' Unfortunately, when we got 2 the District, it was sold out. We'll try again next weekend, maybe. :D It has been a very busy & very fulfilling week thus far & I'm anticipating another one @ this beginning of a new week. Happy Holidays friends & family & wishing you all a very Happy New Year. :D