2day has been a very SPIRITUAL & MOVING sabbath day. It started @ 7 am. We start church @ 9 so we had 2 make sure we were a little early 2day. The girls were asked last Sunday if they could participate in the Christmas program 2day. Aaliyah was given John 3:15-16 to recite & then they were 2 sing 'He Sent His Son'
John 3:15-16 reads. . . .'That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life.' 'For God so loved the world, that He gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him shall not perish, but have everlasting life.'
'He Sent His Son'
How could the Father tell the world
Of love & tenderness?
He sent his Son, a new-born babe,
With peace & holiness.
How could the Father show the world
The pathway we should go?
He sent his Son to die for us
And rise with living breath.
What does the Father ask of us?
What do the scriptures say?
Have faith, have hope,
Live like his Son,
Help others on their way.
What does he ask?
Live like his Son.
The whole program was FILLED w/different types of musical numbers given by different families in our branch. The Tuione girls did their musical numbers playing their musical instruments. 2 of them play the violin & the other plays the cello. They are AMAZING. They brought such a CALMING spirit into our sacrament meeting. And a boat load of tears came rolling down my face. :D
After sacrament, we joined my dad's temple prep class which is always REFRESHING 2 go 2. Reminds us of the things we learned & had 2 endure & continue 2 endure in order 2 reach exaltation. It was GREAT. As soon as Sunday School ended, Hoko & I parted ways. Me 2 Relief Society & Hoko 2 the Elders Quorum. When we entered the RS room, it was decorated so beautifully. The chairs weren't lined up in rows as they usually are. The room was filled w/round tables & it smelled so WONDERFUL in there. The aroma that filled the air had my mouth watering IMMEDIATELY. Lol. Our AWESOME RS Presidency put on a brunch 4 the RS sisters. Nothing fancy, but that didn't take away 4rom the quality or taste of the food @ all. :D We were fed all different types of soups that we were able 2 choose 4rom & scoop into bread bowls that were homemade by one of the counselors, Kalo Amasio. :D They were DEE-LISH!! :D Our Branch President's wife, Trina, shared w/us a short message on the real reason 4 the season. :D Reminded us all that Christmas is 2 celebrate the birth of our Savior. Minus all the hype of Christmas tree decor, presents that include toys & clothes & shoes galore. . . .but is in celebration of our dear Savior's birth. Trina reminded us that in order 2 have the spirit of Christ, we need 2 be GIVING. Giving of our time, talents & services in order 2 move the work of our Lord 4ward here on earth. She ended w/the mormon message that I will end w/as well. Merry Christmas 2 all of you families, friends & passerby's. :D Happy Holidays 4rom our family 2 yours. :D
Ewww Fi, you look so good! Hahaha, I hope I look that good after six kids! Merry Christmas, the girls are so pretty and I'm sure they did awesome in their primary program. :)
It's a beatifullll
Elas parecem compia da mãe.
Thanks for sharing...Merry Christmas to you and your beautiful family! :D
Lol @ Line!! You're such a nerd. I'm back 2 hittin my workouts hard cause this holiday season is takin' a toll on me. Not even kidding. Lol. Thanks Mone & Marie!! You're so sweet. :D
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