
Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Politics Anyone??

But does it even matter?

So we had quite the heated discussion in my history class this morning. And personally, for me, it was wayyyy to dang early for any kinda heated anything. Lol. But I listened to the different views of my classmates and quickly became really involved in my thinking about this discussion. We were talking about the electoral college. I've never been into politics or anything, but becoming a mom has changed a lot things including this. :D So my professor went on to explain that the electoral college was created when conditions in the 1700's were a lot different from today. Education was only available to those that could afford it, which was definitely not many people at the time, traveling conditions were horrid, to say the least, and you had to be a white male, 21 years of age and older, own land and actually be a member of a church. If you didn't meet any of the above, you couldn't participate in voting. Well, on top of all this, congress still felt that the average American out there weren't intelligent enough to make a smart decision when it came to picking a president so they came up with the electoral college. Each state had a certain amount of representatives according to population and whatever the majority vote of the state is, that's the vote that counts in the electoral college. As of now, Utah has 6 electoral votes, whereas California has 55. Because of the fact that they have a TON of more people living there. And even if the vote is a simple majority, it still counts to whoever the majority of the vote goes to. If there isn't a majority vote for any ONE candidate, then it goes to the House of Representatives and they decide who will be the next president. Not taking into consideration the voice of the people as to what their decision will be. It's just a flat out, whoever they want it to be. And they did this on purpose thinking that this is how it would turn out every time. Not knowing that this would be the exception.

Is that crazy or what?? So the heated discussion was on how it's understandable for this electoral college to have made sense in the 1700's because our country was still evolving as a people & growing, but now that we have evolved & so much time has passed where information is available to us at the click of a mouse, or a switch of a button, or even on hand held devices. . . .why are we still living in the 1700's with this electoral college still around?? How is it that if we live in Utah, where it is by far a republican state, that if you're a supporter of the democratic party, your vote pretty much doesn't count because it's not the majority??

This doesn't even make sense to me. We live in a time where every ONE person is supposedly supposed to have a voice & be heard, but with this electoral college, only the majority is heard. Back when Al Gore was running against President George Bush, he had the MOST votes as a whole, but President Bush won with the most electoral votes. That's like a slap in the face from the government of this country that individual voices/votes DON'T count cause if you're not a part of the majority in your state, you're outta luck, but please try again in four years. Annoying much?? I think so!! And so did 99% of my classmates. Well, times have changed & if we are supposed to have a voice, then we better start educating ourselves in these matters because this is the future of our upcoming generations & they & WE deserve better than this. With the current state of our nation right now, we probably NEED to or we will sink & burn, if that's even possible (lol). Maybe I should try law school when I finish up at the U. Follow in the footsteps of some of my family members that are currently practicing law right now & even the ones that are entering law school. Hah!! We'll see.

1 comment:

SiOaNa :) said...

Hence the saying, "Majority rules." :)