
Saturday, February 15, 2014

My Most Sacred Blessings Call Me Mom

We just got back from such a FUN night of skating. Just the kids and I. We went to Classic Skating in Layton. It's crazy how much my kids are growing up. And even more crazy how much I seriously enjoy spending time with them. Not that it's a bad thing, but me and seven kids?? Going out for the night?? I know some people that can't even imagine doing that. But I absolutely LOVE IT!! I love having so much fun with them and getting out there and enjoying the simple things in life. Last weekend, I went and bought junk food and we totally vegged out on the couch and watched a movie. And we were totally happy!! 

I feel like a lot of times in life, it's easy to forget how simple kids are and how they don't need much to be happy. How they really only crave the love and attention of their parents. My kids are absolutely my most sacred blessings in this life. Aside from Hoko, they make me so HAPPY and a lot of times I feel so undeserving of their unconditional love for me. 

President Joseph Fielding Smith said, "If I had to suggest one thing which I think we as parents are most lacking, it would be a sympathetic understanding of our children. Live with the children; follow their paths. . . . Know everything that claims the interest of the children, be a good sport with them.

We have been trying to impress upon parents the need of paying more attention to their children, having a little more of the spirit of the gospel in their homes, a little more unity and a little more faith; a little more responsibility religiously, spiritually on the part of the fathers; also, of the mothers; more of the teaching of the gospel in the home."

There is no other goal on this earth as vital to humanity than that of being successful in our relationships as a family. I love my family so much and count my blessings every day that they are a part of my life. My kids will never know how much I love them until they become a parent themselves. And I can't wait for Hoko to get home tomorrow!! I've missed him so much this rotation. And the kids are off on Monday for President's Day. Yay!! 

1 comment:

pwincessdi said...

Awww such a fun mommy Fiona! I love doing fun things with my kids too. The success as a mother is really incomparable to success in any other aspect in life. Looks like it was a blast (: